Esse é o título do livro que estou lendo agora "Real-life Economics: understanding wealth creation" publicado em 1991 com edicao de Paul Ekins e Manfred Max-Neef. Gostaria de ter tempo para poder ler todo o livro agora mas as leituras da tese só vao me permitir ler capítulos selecionados. Entre eles achei interessante essa reflexao de já quase 20 anos atrás e como quase sempre nas reflexoes sobre sustentabilidade muito atual.
"Even from this short discussion it should be clear that measures to achieve environmental sustainability can, and may need to, involve dramatical technological change but also fundamental restructuring of international economic relations (to promote third world develpment that is a pre requisite for sustainability) and a shift in basic social values and attitudes. Of these the technological change is likely to be the easiest to bring about. The principal environmental debate of the coming years will be between those who think that this change is enough and those who emphasize attitudes and the international context. The veredict on the outcome of the debate will be given by a biosphere that reacts to continiung unsustainability in a increasingly unpleaseant, disruptive and life-threateaning way." (Paul Ekins, 1991)
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Gabi, quero ler este livro. Saudades, Helenoca
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